Annual Bible Reading Plan:
2024 31-Day Praising Day 18:
Declare All the Marvelous Works of God (Psalm 9:1-11)
(Memorize Verses 1-2, 7-9)
To the Chief Musician. To the tune of “Death of the Son.” A Psalm of David.
1 I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart;
I will tell of all Your marvelous works.
2 I will be glad and rejoice in You;
I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High.
3 When my enemies turn back,
They shall fall and perish at Your presence.
4 For You have maintained my right and my cause;
You sat on the throne judging in righteousness.
5 You have rebuked the nations,
You have destroyed the wicked;
You have blotted out their name forever and ever.
6 O enemy, destructions are finished forever!
And You have destroyed cities;
Even their memory has perished.
7 But the Lord shall endure forever;
He has prepared His throne for judgment.
8 He shall judge the world in righteousness,
And He shall administer judgment for the peoples in uprightness.
9 The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed,
A refuge in times of trouble.
10 And those who know Your name will put their trust in You;
For You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You.
11 Sing praises to the Lord, who dwells in Zion!
Declare His deeds among the people.
In Psalm 9, David calls on us to “praise the Lord with our whole heart” and to proclaim “all His marvelous works.” All of God’s works are truly marvelous—His creation, His plans, and His salvation are wondrous, for His very name is “Wonderful” (Isaiah 9:6). Among all of God’s “marvelous works,” the most awe-inspiring and worthy of our praise is this: that the God “Who judges the world in righteousness and governs the peoples with equity” still cares for us—weak and sinful as we are. He ensures that we are not cast down and destroyed like His enemies but instead grants us salvation, allowing us to become the people of Zion.
This psalm is set to the tune of “Death of the Son,” a phrase pointing prophetically to the redemption God accomplished through His Son, Jesus Christ. Consider this: the God “Who shall endure forever” not only refrained from condemning us for our sins but gave His beloved Son as a sacrifice, granting us salvation. He became our life, our supply, and our refuge. He made us His dwelling place in Zion and calls us to share in His eternal glory.
What an amazing grace and marvelous work this is! How can we not respond with awe and eternal praise? Truly, we echo the psalmist: “Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well” (Psalm 139:14).
2024 讚美月 Day 18:
傳揚 神一切奇妙的作為(詩篇9:1-11)
1 我要一心稱謝耶和華,我要傳揚祢一切奇妙的作為。
2 我要因祢歡喜快樂,至高者啊,我要歌頌祢的名!
3 我的仇敵轉身退去的時候,他們一見祢的面,就跌倒滅亡。
4 因祢已經為我申冤,為我辨屈;祢坐在寶座上,按公義審判。
5 祢曾斥責外邦,祢曾滅絕惡人,祢曾塗抹他們的名,直到永永遠遠。
6 仇敵到了盡頭,他們被毀壞,直到永遠;祢拆毀他們的城邑,連他們的名號都歸於無有。
7 唯耶和華坐著為王,直到永遠,祂已經為審判設擺祂的寶座。
8 祂要按公義審判世界,按正直判斷萬民。
9 耶和華又要給受欺壓的人做高臺,在患難的時候做高臺。
10 耶和華啊,認識祢名的人要倚靠祢,因祢沒有離棄尋求祢的人。
11 應當歌頌居錫安的耶和華,將祂所行的傳揚在眾民中!
【心得分享】在詩篇第九篇中,大衛呼籲我們都來「一心稱謝耶和華」,傳揚祂「一切奇妙的作為。」神一切的作為都是奇妙的,祂的創造奇妙,計劃奇妙,救恩奇妙,因祂的名字就是「奇妙」(賽9:6)。在祂一切「奇妙的作為」中,最「奇妙」和最配得我們稱頌的,莫過於這位「按公義審判世界,按正直判斷萬民」的 神,竟然顧念軟弱、犯罪的我們,讓我們在祂面前不至像仇敵那樣「跌倒滅亡」,而是得著拯救,蒙恩成為錫安的子民。這首詩歌調用「慕拉便」,「慕拉便」乃是「兒子之死」之意,預指 神藉著聖子耶穌為世人成就的救贖。想想這位「坐著為王,直到永遠」的 神,不僅沒有按我們的過犯與罪惡定我們的罪,反倒犧牲愛子,賜給我們救贖,並作了我們的生命、供應和保護,更是得著我們成為祂要居住其中的錫安,還要帶我們有份於祂永遠的榮耀......這是何等奇異的恩典、奇妙的作為!我們心中怎能不為此發出驚嘆,並要永遠向祂讚美稱謝!是的,神啊,「祢的作為奇妙,這是我心深知道的」(詩139:14)。
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