Monday, December 16, 2024

Praising Scripture - Dec 17

Annual Bible Reading Plan:


2024 31-Day Praising Day 17:

Offer Praise as a Sacrifice to God (Psalm 69:29-36)
(Memorize Verses 29-31)

29 But I am poor and sorrowful;
Let Your salvation, O God, set me up on high.
30 I will praise the name of God with a song,
And will magnify Him with thanksgiving.
31 This also shall please the Lord better than an ox or bull,
Which has horns and hooves.
32 The humble shall see this and be glad;
And you who seek God, your hearts shall live.
33 For the Lord hears the poor,
And does not despise His prisoners.
34 Let heaven and earth praise Him,
The seas and everything that moves in them.
35 For God will save Zion
And build the cities of Judah,
That they may dwell there and possess it.
36 Also, the descendants of His servants shall inherit it,
And those who love His name shall dwell in it.

Psalm 69 is a lament written by David, expressing his trust in God as he looks to Him for deliverance from suffering and persecution. This psalm transforms from a cry of sorrow into a song of praise, and parts of it also serve as Messianic foreshadowing in the New Testament. After presenting his anguish and fervent plea before God, David reaches a turning point in verse 29: “But I am poor and sorrowful; let Your salvation, O God, set me up on high!” Yes, in times of pain, we must fix our eyes on the unchanging salvation of the Lord and the loving countenance of God. His salvation has the power to rescue us from all darkness and to set us on high!
With this glorious shift, David begins to offer praise as a sacrifice to God: “I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify Him with thanksgiving. This also shall please the Lord better than an ox or bull, which has horns and hooves.” Praise the Lord, for such worship pleases God! Through this praise, David gains renewed strength in his spirit and calls on all the humble, those who seek God, the poor, and the prisoners to join in praising the Lord. He extends this invitation to all creation and the whole earth to praise God because He will protect all those who love His name and establish them for generations to dwell in Zion and the cities of Judah.
Therefore, let us learn to praise the mighty name of God in every situation. Even in difficult circumstances, through our praise, like David, we can experience the Lord’s deliverance, turning our laments into songs of joy.



2024讚美月 Day 17:

以讚美為祭現給 神 (詩篇69:29-36)

29 但我是困苦憂傷的,神啊,願祢的救恩將我安置在高處!
30 我要以詩歌讚美 神的名,
31 這便叫耶和華喜悅,
32 謙卑的人看見了,就喜樂。
尋求 神的人,願你們的心甦醒。
33 因為耶和華聽了窮乏人,不藐視被囚的人。
34 願天和地,洋海和其中一切的動物,都讚美祂。
35 因為 神要拯救錫安,建造猶大的城邑,
36 祂僕人的後裔要承受為業,

【心得分享】詩篇69篇是大衛的一首哀歌,既描述大衛自己從苦難、逼迫中仰望 神,並靠祂得勝,化哀歌為讚歌,也有一些內容成為新約彌賽亞的預表。在前面向 神述說自己的苦情、迫切呼求之後,大衛在詩歌的第29節得著了靈裡的轉機—「但我是困苦憂傷的,神啊,願祢的救恩將我安置在高處!」是的,痛苦的時候,當仰望主不變的救恩和祂愛的笑臉。祂的救恩永遠有能力,能救拔我們脫離一切黑暗,安置我們在高處!因著這樣一個榮耀的翻轉,大衛開始以讚美為祭獻給 神: 「我要以詩歌讚美 神的名,以感謝稱祂為大。這便叫耶和華喜悅,勝似獻牛,或是獻有角有蹄的公牛。」感謝主,因為這樣的讚美是叫 神喜悅的,大衛也因著這樣的讚美在靈裡越發得力,開始呼籲所有謙卑的人、尋求 神的人、窮乏人、被囚的人都一同起來讚美耶和華,包括一切受造之物、以及全地都要來讚美 神,因為祂必保守一切「愛祂名的人」,世世代代都能住在錫安和猶大的城邑。因此,就讓我們在各樣的環境中學習憑信讚美 神全能的名,哪怕在艱難的環境中,因著讚美,我們也可以像大衛一樣,經歷 神帶領我們靠主得勝,將哀歌變為讚歌。

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