Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Thanksgiving Scripture - Nov 17

Thanksgiving Month Introduction...

Psalm 116:8-14
(Memorization Scripture 12-14)
8 For You have delivered my soul from death,
My eyes from tears, And my feet from falling.
9 I will walk before the Lord, In the land of the living.
10 I believed, therefore I spoke, “I am greatly afflicted.”
11 I said in my haste, “All men are liars.”
12 What shall I render to the Lord, For all His benefits toward me?
13 I will take up the cup of salvation, And call upon the name of the Lord.
14 I will pay my vows to the Lord, Now in the presence of all His people.

[Sharing] How do we respond to suffering in hindsight? In this psalm, the psalmist has been delivered from trouble and sorrow as pains of death that had surrounded him, He called on the name of the Lord, and the Lord heard his plea and delivered his soul from death, his eyes from tears, and his feet from falling.
After the psalmist experienced God’s salvation in suffering, he chose to take up the cup of salvation, to call upon the name of the Lord, and to give glory and praise to God. Let's also think about our own situation. How can we look back on suffering and be still thankful? The answer is by remembering His faithfulness to us throughout and delivering us. May David’s response to suffering become our response in facing our own difficulties.


詩篇 116:8-14
8 主啊,祢救我的命免了死亡,救我的眼免了流淚,救我的腳免了跌倒。
9 我要在耶和華面前行活人之路。
10 我因信,所以如此說話。
11 我受了極大的困苦。我曾急促地說:「人都是說謊的。」
12 我拿什麼報答耶和華向我所賜的一切厚恩?
13 我要舉起救恩的杯,稱揚耶和華的名。
14 我要在祂眾民面前向耶和華還我的願。

【心得分享】在這首讚美詩中,詩人從宛如死亡的繩索纏繞他的痛苦和悲痛中被解脫出來。神聽了詩人的懇求和聲音,救他的命免了死亡,救他的眼免了流淚,救他的腳免了跌倒。當詩人經歷 神在患難中的搭救之後,他選擇在今後的日子裡,在耶和華面前行活人之路,也要在眾人的面前,舉起救恩的杯,稱揚耶和華的名,將榮耀感恩來歸給 神。讓我們也都思想一下自己的光景與經歷。我們該如何回顧苦難並感恩?答案就是通過牢記祂對我們的信實及拯救。甚願詩人在患難中的反應也成為我們今天面對一切艱難的反應。

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