Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Thanksgiving Scripture - Nov 16

Thanksgiving Month Introduction...

Psalm 142:1-7
(Memorization Scripture 5-7)
1 I cry out to the Lord with my voice;
With my voice to the Lord I make my supplication.
2 I pour out my complaint before Him; I declare before Him my trouble.
3 When my spirit was overwhelmed within me,
Then You knew my path. In the way in which I walk
They have secretly set a snare for me.
4 Look on my right hand and see, For there is no one who acknowledges me;
Refuge has failed me; No one cares for my soul.
5 I cried out to You, O Lord: I said, “You are my refuge,
My portion in the land of the living.
6 Attend to my cry, For I am brought very low;
Deliver me from my persecutors, For they are stronger than I.
7 Bring my soul out of prison, That I may praise Your name;
The righteous shall surround me, For You shall deal bountifully with me.”

[Sharing]Today’s Psalm is a prayer written by David when he was in the cave because of persecution from King Saul. In this psalm, David pleaded his complaint and trouble to God and declared his loneliness, weakness, and helplessness in the midst of enemies trying to overtake him. As an act of faith, David turned to God, he declared “You are my refuge, My portion in the land of the living.” (v.5) David had faith that God would incline His ear and hear his words, and that God Himself, would ‘Bring my (David’s) soul out of prison’ (v.7), and “The righteous shall surround me (David)” (v.7). From this passage, we find the perfect response to the injustice, trials, despair, and low points of our daily walk with God. We are reminded, by the experiences of David, that no matter which hardship we are going through, we should look upon God with a humble heart like David’s, and put faith in Him that He will deliver us out of all troubles, for He is our refuge and portion, and also our salvation. Together we praise His name!


詩篇 142:1-7
1 我發聲哀告耶和華,發聲懇求耶和華。
2 我在祂面前吐露我的苦情,陳說我的患難。
3 我的靈在我裡面發昏的時候,祢知道我的道路。在我行的路上,敵人為我暗設網羅。
4 求祢向我右邊觀看,因為沒有人認識我;我無處避難,也沒有人眷顧我。
5 耶和華啊,我曾向祢哀求,我說:「祢是我的避難所,在活人之地祢是我的福分。」
6 求祢側耳聽我的呼求,因我落到極卑之地;求祢救我脫離逼迫我的人,因為他們比我強盛。
7 求祢領我出離被囚之地,我好稱讚祢的名。義人必環繞我,因為祢是用厚恩待我。

【心得分享】本篇是大衛逃避掃羅王時,在洞中所作的訓誨詩。在本詩中,大衛向耶和華哀告他的苦情和患難,並陳訴自己被敵人追殺的孤單、軟弱和無助。他一無隱瞞地告訴他的 神,這些仇敵比他強盛,他現在的景況到了極卑之地。但是,他還是能在信心裡宣告說:「祢是我的避難所;在活人之地,祢是我的福分!」(第5節) 他相信 神會側耳而聽他的呼求,親自「領他出離被囚之地」(第7節),並使義人環繞他,用厚恩待他。在這段經文中,我們找到了在我們每天與 神同行時,如何回應不公正、磨難、絕望和低谷的完美範例。藉著大衛的經歷,提醒我們無論處在什麼困境,甚至心裡發昏、絕望時,都要真實地到 神面前傾心吐意,堅信祂必能帶領我們脫離一切困境,並且有一天,我們還要來稱謝祂!

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