Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The fifth day of Passion Week 受難週第五天

The fifth day of Passion Week (KA)

Most notably, this is the day that Jesus ate His final Passover (often called the Last Supper) and instituted Communion. It is at this meal that Jesus washed the feet of His disciples, commanding them to do the same for each other and to love one another as He has loved each of them. Christ's "mandate" is where we get the name Maundy Thursday.  

At this meal, just prior to His arrest, Jesus predicted what would happen on the next day (and His departure), then He gave His followers symbols of remembrance for His body and His blood to be  sacrificed. Finally, Jesus provided a very important principle for His followers: to love as He loved, to serve as He did. Peter confidently said that he could follow like this but Jesus answered by predicting Peter’s threefold denial.  Jesus’ high priestly prayer was offered up for Peter and the disciples, for Himself, and for all believers.

Key Events:
Events/Facts Location Matthew Mark Luke John
1 the disciples prepared for Passover Jerusalem 26:17‐19 14:12‐16 22:7‐13
2 Jesus and the disciples ate the Passover supper Jerusalem 26:20 14:17 22:14‐18
3 a dispute arose among the disciples about which of them was  the greatest Jerusalem 22:24‐30
4 Jesus washed His disciples’ feet Jerusalem 13:1‐20
5 Jesus pointed out the one who would betray him Jerusalem 26:21‐25 14:18‐21 22:21‐23 13:21‐33
6 Jesus gave a new command Jerusalem 13:34‐35
7 Jesus predicted Peter’s first denial Jerusalem 22:31‐38 13:36‐38
8 Jesus instituted the Communion Jerusalem 26:26‐29 14:22‐25 22:19‐20
9 Jesus’s last conversation Jerusalem 14:1‐16:33
a. about why he was going
b. about the vine and the branches as well as loving each other
c. about the Holy Spirit’s coming
d. about praying in the Lord’s name
10 Jesus prayed for his disciples Jerusalem 17:1‐26

Key verses: John 13:31-35  
31 So, when he had gone out, Jesus said, “Now the Son of Man is glorified, and God is glorified in Him. 32 If God is glorified in Him, God will also glorify Him in Himself, and glorify Him immediately. 33 Little children, I shall be with you a little while longer. You will seek Me; and as I said to the Jews, ‘Where I am going, you cannot come,’ so now I say to you.34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Meditation: It was with His death on the cross looming that Jesus told His disciples to love one another as He had loved them. Even as Jesus knew that the Father had given all things into His hands, our Lord bent down to wash the feet of sinners. Though there was nothing attractive about sinful mankind to draw Jesus to love us, yet while sinners, He loved the Father and us enough to humble Himself in total surrender to death on a cross. It is by His broken body and His shed blood that we can be accepted by the Father and enter into a living, loving, and daily communion with God, as well as be able to love and unite with one another.  How wonderful, how marvelous the love of God that would stoop so low to wash away the sins of humanity by the blood of the Son.

Hymn:H84 Himeself He Could Not Save  

3/29  受難週第五天     (Author: KA, Translator: YZ)

     在祂被捕之前,主耶穌也預言了第二天將要發生的事(以及祂的離開),並且吩咐門徒們要藉著餅杯來紀念祂捨身流血的愛。提醒他們做主門徒的原則是:像祂一樣去愛,像祂一樣去服事。當彼得憑己意信心滿滿對主耶穌說:“眾人雖然為你的緣故跌倒,我卻永不跌倒” 時。主耶穌卻用預言告訴彼得:“今夜雞叫一先,你要三次不認我”。最後,主耶穌為著彼得和眾人向天父禱告。

事件/史實 地點 馬太 馬可 路加 約翰
1 門徒預備逾越節的筵席 耶路撒冷 26:17‐19 14:12‐16 22:7‐13
2 耶穌與門徒吃筵席 耶路撒冷 26:20 14:17 22:14‐18
3 門徒爭論誰為大 耶路撒冷 22:24‐30
4 耶穌洗門徒的腳 耶路撒冷 13:1‐20
5 耶穌指明賣祂的人 耶路撒冷 26:21‐25 14:18‐21 22:21‐23 13:21‐33
6 耶穌賜新命令 耶路撒冷 13:34‐35
7 首次預言彼得不認主 耶路撒冷 22:31‐38 13:36‐38
8 耶穌設立晚餐 耶路撒冷 26:26‐29 14:22‐25 22:19‐20
9 耶穌最後的談話 耶路撒冷 14:1‐16:33
a 談論祂去的目的
b 論葡萄樹與門徒彼此相愛
c 論聖靈的降臨
d 論奉主名的禱告
10 耶穌為門徒代禱 耶路撒冷 17:1‐26

約翰福音 13:31-35  
31 他既出去,耶穌就說:「如今人子得了榮耀,神在人子身上也得了榮耀。 32 神要因自己榮耀人子,並且要快快地榮耀他。 33 小子們,我還有不多的時候與你們同在,後來你們要找我,但我所去的地方你們不能到。這話我曾對猶太人說過,如今也照樣對你們說。 34 我賜給你們一條新命令,乃是叫你們彼此相愛,我怎樣愛你們,你們也要怎樣相愛。 35 你們若有彼此相愛的心,眾人因此就認出你們是我的門徒了。」”

     耶穌在十字架上的死,讓我們得以體會祂告訴門徒們的話:像祂愛他們那樣來彼此相愛。即使耶穌知道天父已將萬有都交在祂手中,我們的主卻是彎下身來洗罪人的腳。就著人的本性並沒有什麼可以吸引耶穌來愛我們的,但就在我們還做罪人的時候,主耶穌卻因著愛我們而全然降卑、全然降服且死在十字架上。藉著祂裂開的身體和流出的寶血,使我們可以來到 神的施恩台前蒙恩惠得憐恤,並且每一天都可以與 神有活潑的聯結,與眾聖徒彼此相愛。感謝 神!祂的愛真是奇妙、偉大、遠超越我們所能明白。

詩歌:H696  聖徒眾心愛相繫