Saturday, March 24, 2018

2018 Passion Week

Daily Devotion

Passover is a festival set by Jehovah for the Israelites to commemorate that God had freed them from the Egyptians. “… And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt. ‘So this day shall be to you a memorial; and you shall keep it as a feast to the Lord throughout your generations. You shall keep it as a feast by an everlasting ordinance.” (Exo 12:13b-14) Jews never have thought that the blood of the lamb symbolizes Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who became the Lamb of the Passover. He bore the sin of this world, was crucified on the cross and rose from the dead on the first day of the week. From then, churches began to commemorate Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection. According to church traditions, the week before the resurrection is known as Passion Week or Holy Week.

           According to the Four Gospels, Passion Week began with Jesus riding a colt into Jerusalem. He purged the temple, had The Last Supper, and went to pray at the Garden of Gethsemane. Then he was betrayed, arrested, tried, humiliated, crucified, buried, and resurrected on the third day. Friday is the most important day in Passion Week and is called Good Friday.
  •  Hope we can use this designated time to worship Jesus Christ our Savior, with our hearts and actions, and practice walking with Him through Scripture reading and meditation.
  1.   By grace through prayer offer yourself in “Holiness Unto the Lord”
  2.   Designate a quiet time before the Lord to pray and meditate upon Scripture passages and hymns selected by the church. Write down any thoughts and experiences from your fellowship with God as a an offering unto Him.
  3.   With a thankful heart, choose to “fast a meal, love a neighbor – experience the love of Christ with your heart and share this love with your actions. (note 1: e.g., care for the homeless, support local missions, etc.)
  4.   During this period practice: not giving in to anger, not complaining, not judging, not being discouraged, not talking negatively, speaking only edifying words, not indulging in entertainment, not playing video games….
  5.   In the light of the Holy Spirit humble ourselves and keep from unclean things, repent and let the blood of Jesus wash away all of our sins. Bring any objects associated with idols to the church on Friday to be incinerated during the “cleansing fire” gathering  along with the confession list.

Suggested Action items for Passion Week
Please choose at least two items from each column of “Do” and “Don’t” to practice every day during Passion Week.

Do Don't
Study the daily message with your whole family No online shopping
Meditate and pray for 15-30 min. daily No social media, e.g. WeChat / Facebook
Praise and thank God with songs for 15-30 min. daily No video games
Read the Bible for 15-30 min. daily No TV, Netflix, etc.
Memorize Bible verses daily Abstain from eating one kind of food you enjoy (eg: meat, sweet food)
Pray for at least one gospel friend for his/her salvation Quit one bad habit (eg: being late, complaining)
Fast a meal daily No gossipping nor unedifying speech
Examine yourself before going to bed Do not disobey the Holy Spirit
Other Other
Other Other


簡 介

逾越節是耶和華 神親自吩咐以色列人要守的節期,記念 神救贖他們脫離埃及免於死亡。“……這血要在你們所住的房屋上作記號;我一見這血,就越過你們去。我擊殺埃及地頭生的時候,災殃必不臨到你們身上滅你們。你們要記念這日,守為耶和華的節,作為你們世世代代永遠的定例。”(出12:13b-14)以色列人無論如何也想不到,抹在門口羔羊的血正預表 神的兒子耶穌基督,祂成為逾越節的羔羊,為除去罪孽甘心背負世人的罪被釘在十字架上,並在七日的第一日從死裡復活。後來眾教會逐漸開始每年都會記念耶穌基督的受難與復活,根據教會傳統,從復活節的前一個主日開始算起這一週,被稱為受難週(Passion Week) 或「聖週」(Holy Week)。
    根據四福音的記載,受難週是從耶穌騎驢進耶路撒冷,潔淨聖殿,最後的晚餐,來到客西馬尼園禱告等,後來被賣、被捕、被審、被辱、被釘死在十字架上,埋葬,到第三天 神叫祂從死裡復活。週五是受難週最重要的一天被稱為受難日(Good Friday)。
  1. 在恩典中藉著禱告先將自己“分別為聖歸給 神”。
  2. 在 神面前固定一個時間,安靜禱讀默想當天教會預備的經文和詩歌,將自己與 神相處的感想心得寫下作為禮物獻給 神。
  3. 在感恩中選擇“一餐禁食,一份關愛”,用心體驗基督的愛、用實際行動分享基督的愛
  4. 在這段時間操練:不生氣、不抱怨、不論斷、不沮喪、不講負面的話、不講不造就人的話、不過多的娛樂消費、不玩遊戲……。
  1.  在聖靈的光照中來謙卑自潔、認罪悔改,讓耶穌的寶血來洗淨我們一切的罪。
  2. 週二(晚7:30pm -9:00pm)來教會參加在伯大尼聚會廳舉行的「耶穌受難週」特別禱告會。提醒:請所有參加禱告會的弟兄姊妹,7:30pm以前到禱告室先默思大約半小時。當天教會不提供飯食,鼓勵弟兄姊妹禁食。有提供幼兒照顧 (7:30pm-9:00pm)。禱告會後弟兄姐妹可留在聚會大廳繼續禱告。
  3. 週五(晚7:30pm-9:00pm)來教會參加在伯大尼聚會廳舉行的「耶穌受難日」特別擘餅聚會。同天下午於(5:00pm-7:00pm)在CTC教室播放『耶穌受難記』有中文字幕,在禱告室有耶穌最後一週的信息展台。請務必將家中當滅之物,如偶像或罪惡、污穢物品,與“認罪清單”一併帶來,求聖靈光照並顯明我們心中一切的罪,並藉著禱告把它們交給  神。在走出禱告室後,把“認罪清單”丟進焚燒爐中。當天教會不提供飯食,鼓勵弟兄姊妹禁食。有提供幼兒照顧 (7:30pm-9:00pm)。
  4. 教會從3月25日週日至3月30日週五,教會禱告室將全天將開放(早9:00pm - 晚6:00pm)。藉著禱告室展出的從棕櫚主日到耶穌受難日的圖畫和信息,幫助我們默思耶穌基督為我們所成就的偉大救恩,感謝讚美祂。
  5.  4/1復活節主日9:30 pm 將有特別福音聚會《奔馳於永生之道》來記念主耶穌基督從死裡復活,講員是于宏潔弟兄,請大家開始邀請福音朋友參加。在11:40 pm - 12:40 pm 是“教會25週年感恩聚會”主題是:「同一心靈、高舉基督;同一脚踪、拓展神國」。
請從以下 “要做” 和 “不要做” 的列表中,至少各選二項,在“耶穌受難週”每天操練。
每天全家一起靈修當日信息 不上網購物
每天15-30分鐘默想禱告 不用社交網路,包括微信,臉書等
每天15-30分鐘唱詩讚美神,並獻上感恩 不玩電動遊戲
每天15-30分鐘讀經 不看電視
每天背誦一段經文 禁吃一種食物 (例如:不吃肉,不吃甜食)
每天至少為一位福音朋友的救恩迫切禱告 戒掉一個壞習慣  (例如:不遲到,不抱怨)
每天選擇一餐禁食 不說閒話或不造就人的話
每天睡前省察自己 不要消滅聖靈的感動