Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Praising Scripture - Dec 07

Paising Month Introduction...

Psalm 119:105-112
(Memorization Scripture 105-108)
105 Your word is a lamp to my feet, And a light to my path.
106 I have sworn and confirmed, That I will keep Your righteous judgments.
107 I am afflicted very much; Revive me, O Lord, according to Your word.
108 Accept, I pray, the freewill offerings of my mouth, O Lord, And teach me Your judgments.

109 My life is continually in my hand,Yet I do not forget Your law.
110 The wicked have laid a snare for me,Yet I have not strayed from Your precepts.
111 Your testimonies I have taken as a heritage forever,For they are the rejoicing of my heart.
112 I have inclined my heart to perform Your statutes,Forever, to the very end.

【Reflection】 In the eyes of the psalmist, the revealed word of the Lord is extremely precious as it is his heritage forever and the joy of his heart. The Lord’s words are the righteous law and the light in which we walk in this dark world. Therefore, the psalmist not only took an oath to keep the word of God, but also confirmed that he would keep it no matter the cost.

When we follow God's word in this dark world, we will often encounter battles since the wicked have set a snare for us and our lives are constantly at risk. Yet, we know that when we walk in His word He will preserve our lives according to His word.

Therefore, we hope that we, like the psalmist, will keep the word of God and consider His word as the lamp to our feet and the light for our path every day. Even when we encounter difficulties in obeying the word of God, we can willingly praise Him with our mouths and live according to His precepts. Let us commit to setting our hearts on keeping the Lord’s decrees to the very end!


詩篇 119:105-112
105 祢的話是我腳前的燈,是我路上的光。
106 祢公義的典章,我曾起誓遵守,我必按誓而行。
107 我甚是受苦。耶和華啊,求祢照祢的話將我救活。
108 耶和華啊,求祢悅納我口中的讚美為供物,

109 我的性命常在危險之中,我卻不忘記祢的律法。
110 惡人為我設下網羅,我卻沒有偏離祢的訓詞。
111 我以祢的法度為永遠的產業,因這是我心中所喜愛的。
112 我的心專向祢的律例,永遠遵行,一直到底。

【心得分享】 在詩人的眼中,耶和華所啟示的話語極其寶貴,是他永遠的產業,也是他心中所喜愛的。祂的話語是公義的典章,也是我們在這個黑暗的世界中行走的亮光。因此詩人不僅僅起誓遵守 神的話語,也按誓而行,無論付代價多大。
當我們在這個黑暗的世界中按著 神的話語而行的時候,我們常常會遭遇爭戰 - 惡人為我們設下網羅,我們的性命常在危險之中。但我們相信,當我們遵照祂的話語而行的時候, 神也會照祂的話將我們救活。
因此,盼望我們像詩人一樣,持守 神的話語,認定祂的話是我們腳前的燈,是我們路上的光。即使因著遵行 神的話而遭遇難處,也要用口來讚美耶和華,並且不偏離 神的訓詞,永遠遵行,一直到底!

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