Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Thanksgiving Scripture - Nov 29


Day 29 Psalm 44:1-8 Give Thanks to God for he commands victories for us
(Memorization Scripture: vv. 4-5)
1 We have heard with our ears, O God,
Our fathers have told us,
The deeds You did in their days,
In days of old:
2 You drove out the nations with Your hand,
But them You planted;
You afflicted the peoples, and cast them out.
3 For they did not gain possession of the land by their own sword,
Nor did their own arm save them;
But it was Your right hand, Your arm, and the light of Your countenance,
Because You favored them.
4 You are my King, O God;
Command victories for Jacob.
5 Through You we will push down our enemies;
Through Your name we will trample those who rise up against us.

6 For I will not trust in my bow,
Nor shall my sword save me.
7 But You have saved us from our enemies,
And have put to shame those who hated us.
8 In God we boast all day long,
And praise Your name forever. Selah

This is a contemplation from the descendant of Korah, and is also a national prayer psalm. Since the country was under attack by the enemy at the time, the psalmist recounts God’s great deliverance in the past to “force five passes and slay six captains”, to defeat the enemy and lead them to Canaan. Now, they cry out to God in one accord to help them again in defeating their enemies, saying “You are my King, O God; Command victories for Jacob." Even though they were facing the formidable enemies they could still trust God and as they sing "Through You we will push down our enemies; Through Your name we will trample those who rise up against us.” Thanks be to God, who through this verse strengthens our faith too. Whenever we are attacked by enemies, fall on tough times, or feel weak and discouraged, we can declare and win the victory of God through faith. Hallelujah! “Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.” (2 Corinthians 2:14a) (EY)


Day 29 詩篇44:1-8 為 神出令使我們得勝而感恩
1 神啊,你在古時,
2 你曾用手趕出外邦人,卻栽培了我們列祖;
3 因為他們不是靠自己的刀劍得地土,

4 神啊,你是我的王;
5 我們靠你要推倒我們的敵人,

6 因為,我必不靠我的弓;
7 惟你救了我們脫離敵人,使恨我們的人羞愧。
8 我們終日因 神誇耀,還要永遠稱謝你的名。 (細拉)

這是一篇可拉後裔的訓誨詩,也是全民祈禱詩。由於當時國家正面臨敵人的攻擊,首先,詩人先複述他們親耳聽到 神在過去如何幫助先祖 “過五關、斬六將”,戰勝仇敵,並帶領他們進迦南的大能作為,於是同心起來呼求 神——再次施恩幫助他們擊敗仇敵,說 「神啊,袮是我的王; 求袮出令使雅各得勝。」 故此他們雖然遇到強敵壓境的威脅,仍然可以信靠 神並重申,說 「我們靠袮要推倒我們的敵人, 靠袮的名要踐踏那起來攻擊我們的人。」
感謝 神,藉著這首詩堅固了我們的信心。當我們遇到仇敵攻擊、環境艱難、或軟弱灰心時,也能求 神幫助我們憑信宣告並支取 神的得勝。哈利路亞!「感謝 神!常率領我們在基督裡誇勝。」(林後2:14a) (EY)

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